Start a business in HK


1 Companies Registry of HKSAR government

2. Science Park

3. Cyber Port

4. Startup HK

Starting a startup is hard, we often hear questions like: is my idea good, how do I find investors, where do I find product market fit, what resources are available to me?

If you are starting up and need some help, we offer paid consultation services which are delivered in one-on-one in-person meetings set around your schedule and can range from a one-off, one hour “brain picking” to a full-on coaching over several weeks – however much time you need, at the level of intensity you feel will get you to where you need to be.

If you are getting ready to do a startup, why not tap into the team that has been building the Hong Kong startup scene for the past 5 years, with connections and a network that spans Asia and into Silicon Valley.

Email here to get more information on tapping into the power of the StartupsHK consultancy.